Horse Baloney of the Same Feather
by: Schvach Yid
I’m no political analyst. I’m not even a journalist (and most recently I think the journalism establishment has devolved into a bunch of crap!), and so once again I’m stymied. The elation over the Mubarak overthrow in Egypt strikes me as rather absurd.
Here’s my take.
Once upon a time there were three guys in Egypt: King Farouk, Muhammad Naguib, and Gamal Abdel Nasser. Naguib and Nasser, together, overthrew King Farouk of Egypt (and of Sudan) in a military coup. From there on, it was ‘kesher’, as the Israelis like to say, because Nasser begat Anwar Sadat, who in turn begat Hosni Mubarak, who has now in turn begotten the newest guy in charge of Egypt. Each of these goodfellows grew up in Egypt’s military academy, each was the protégé of the former (except, perhaps, the new guy), and each was selected by his respective predecessor as the successor to power. In short, Egypt has had an uninterrupted string of four (count ‘em, four) military dictators, each the designated inheritor of that county’s military (and State) thrown since the deposing of the monarchal government in 1952. That’s one year short of 60 years of continuous military rule by military dynastic descent, and the torch has now been passed to the newest crony.
What the hell are those fools celebrating? Nothing in Egypt has changed, except for the name of the guy in charge (it’s Suleiman – Turkish for Solomon). The so-called revolutionaries don’t even have a leader.
Now then, let’s get serious and ‘talk’ a bit about hijabs. Hijabs, that feminine flag of female Moslem devotion, has, and is, making a big splash not only here is the USA and the UK, but just about everywhere else, including some of those countries where the fashion is no fashion at all but instead constitutes old hat. In Tunisia there rages a political battle over the banning of hijabs in public (which is exactly where they are supposed to be worn, except for salat – Moslem prayer – where the garment is to be worn even in private). And so, as a public service, I wish to show an alternative donning of a hijab.

Now then, one last item - we’re traversing from Hijab to Hajj jadies and jents. I think that the next great Moslem revolution will not involve the spread of secular discontent against Arab despotic governmental rule, but instead will take the form of the breaking down of the ‘gates’ of Mecca to permit a no holds barred, entry on demand, to the annual Hajj by any and all Moslems who wish to so partake. This year’s holy event in Mecca, which was touted on some web sites as ‘the experience of a lifetime’, garnered some 2.5 million religious pilgrims. Entry, I believe, was by invitation only, from the King of Saudi Arabia. There currently exist some 1.5 billion Moslems in the world. Just do the arithmetic folks, 1.5 billion divided by 2.5 million yield a cool 600. At a rate of 2.5 million visitors per year, it would take 600 years to accommodate all presently existing Moslems at the Hajj. Pirkei Avot tells us that there was always room for the Jewish pilgrims who journeyed to Jerusalem (for the three pilgrimage festivals), but the immense population of Moslems makes the Hajj a very distant vision. Most will have to settle for Umra (sort of an off-season mini-Hajj). Any brief perusal of internet web sites that deal with the Hajj will reveal that this Moslem religious obligation has gone the way of Disney. ‘We want in’ (to the Hajj) will be the next great Moslem battle cry.