The 74th anniversary of Kristallnacht occurs this Friday night, November 9th. As we all know, Kristallnacht is considered the initiating event of the Holocaust. Was the Nazis’ ‘Final Solution’ dreamed up by a Moslem cleric, and was the Holocaust invented by Islam’s hatred of the Jews?
Sunday, November 04, 2012
The 74th anniversary of Kristallnacht occurs this Friday night, November 9th. As we all know, Kristallnacht is considered the initiating event of the Holocaust. Was the Nazis’ ‘Final Solution’ dreamed up by a Moslem cleric, and was the Holocaust invented by Islam’s hatred of the Jews?
Friday, December 30, 2011
by: Schvach Yid
Okay (or not) I haven’t blogged in ages, and for good reason – I haven’t had a thing to say, write, or to put it more bluntly, I haven’t had a thing on my mind. Also, my computer is kaput, as in half dead, so it’s a pain to use, but I’ve come across a few items
that I have to share, so here they are.
First off, I hope everyone in the J-bloggersphere had a superb Chanukah, and to celebrate our minor festival of light and oil, here is a pic sent by an old friend to my mother:

Secondly, Thanks to the American Bedu blog, my current studies in Islamic traditions and culture have continued. Here are two items from her: a pic she posted on her blog site:
And here is the URL:
And , have you heard of The Learning Channel’s reality show ‘All American Muslims’? Since I don’t have a TV, I haven’t seen an episode; however, I have viewed some of the trailers displayed on the TLC website. Drech (like all reality shows I’ve seen). Lowes, the building supply company that retails to the general public produced a commercial intended to be shown on 'All American Muslims'; they very smartly pulled that disaster before it aired. They very unsmartly chose to post the video on You Tube – schmucks!
Here’s the URL(not on my blog site I won’t):
Well, that’s all folks! Humor is as humor does.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
by: Schvach Yid
Tonight begins the Hebrew month of Av, the Moslem month of Ramadan, and we Yiddin began Sefer Devarim (Deuteronomy) this past Shabbos during Mincha.
Whenever someone burdens me with the question of how we Jews, as the Chosen People, have had such a tormented history, I simply tell the curious antagonist to read Deuteronomy. The answer is there, in its entirety.
Israel National News (Arutz Sheva) reports that the Moslem month of Ramadan will be a time of increased violence against Jews, ie, terrorist attacks in Israel. There's nothing new in that news. I don’t know if daylight fasting for 29 consecutive days will stir the frustrations of Moslems, who perhaps might express those frustrations with their holiest of their annual observances by assaulting us Jews who are in mourning over the calamities of Jewish history, but in preparation for this possibility, here’s the line up for the coming lunar month:

Saturday, May 14, 2011

one of the more emotionally depressing days of my life. It was just a few weeks prior to my 50th birthday, and I thought reaching the age of fifty was , well, nakbah, to borrow a term from Arabic.
Later this month Bob Dylan will turn 70 years of age. I can’t imagine. Of all the cruelties dished out by life, perhaps the passage of time – and aging – are the worst (excluding, of course, the naches derived from watching one’s kids grow up).
So here’s to Robert Zimmerman’s success in sticking it out for seventy years, and I mean successfully. Happy Birthday Bob.

Sunday, May 08, 2011
by: Schvach Yid
Rosh Hashanah is one thing; Yom HaZicharon and Yom HaAzma'ut are another. As a nation, we Jews come together on the latter two days. The dead are gone; we remember their heroic sacrifices and continue in their place. Faulty politics aside, the Jewish State of Israel is just that – THE Jewish State. Those ‘others’ who love Mecca, and still others who love their respective countries, should have no difficulty understanding Jewish national identity and should resolve to develop the ability to accept it.
Here is a video, courtesy of the Dixie Yid blog site: (
Chassidische rock – I love it!
And this contribution from the al tishali oti blog at:

Sunday, April 24, 2011
by: Schvach Yid
First (perhaps not) it was Billy Graham (is he still alive?), then it was Burt Lancaster – well, it was Burt Lancaster in a movie impersonating (I assume) Billy Graham, and now,
Live From Frankfurt Germany (actually, it’s a video), it’s the Moslems doin’ the same thing – in German (was sonst?).
And here is a video courtesy of Pamela Geller of the Atlas Shrugs blog site, at:
It’s a mixed message. The ‘heroine’ castigates Hitler, then implores Germans to stand up to defend their country (‘Germany, rise up’ – we’ve heard that one in the past, from the ‘castigate’ himself).
You know, some things really never change at all.
by: Schvach Yid
From Chaptzem Blog, at:
Monday, April 04, 2011
Rabbi attacked by African killer bees in Zimbabwe
A rabbi handing out matzah and wine for Passover to Jews in Zimbabwe was attacked by a swarm of African killer bees.Moshe Silberhaft, the spiritual leader and executive director of the African Jewish Congress known as "The Traveling Rabbi," was making a pre-Passover visit to the 190 Jews left in the beleaguered capital of Harare when he was attacked by the bees while walking from the Ashkenazi synagogue to the Sephardi synagogue on the Shabbat of April 2.
One rule I was taught long ago, was that either a Jew is Ashkenasic or Sephardic. This has import, I assume, not so much in one’s everyday life as a Jew, but certainly in the minhag one follows for Pesach, and that one doesn’t get to choose which. I don’t know the halachot concerning this matter, but I do wish the injured rabbi a rafuah shlemah.
Have a good Yontif.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
by: Schvach Yid
Phyllis Chesler has become a regular contributor to Arutz Sheva, (and has been for the past few years). In this clip, she speaks about ‘The New Anti-Semitism’, which is also the title of one of her books, published in 2003.
Her web site is found at:
PHYLLIS CHESLER: The New Antisemitism from Advocates for Civil Liberties on Vimeo.